Showing posts with label texting girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label texting girls. Show all posts

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Texting a Girl Can Backfire and Turn Her Off

Texting being the biggest dating tool available can be used to turn a girl on, but if used incorrectly, it can be a huge turnoff. Texting a girl should always be done in moderation. There is a such thing as overkill. This applies also to calling. The key here to remember is less is more.

I am going to share a story here with you about Jack and Diane. They met at happy hour one afternoon and hit it off. Jack got Diane's number and texted her the next day. Jack immediately jumped in and started texting her Good Morning everyday, even before their first date. Diane thought it sweet and really didn't think nothing of it.

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Fast forward, they start dating. They hit it off, things are good. Jack steps up the texting, now not only is it Good Morning, but he is sharing bits and pieces of his day, staying in constant contact with Diane. Now there are so many women out there complaining that their guys don't text or call enough, so what is the problem here?

Let's go forward a couple more months. Jack and Diane are still dating, but Diane has slowed down on her responses to Jack. He texts her while she is at work, while she is shopping, it's just too much. Diane goes out with the girls. Jack texts her half the night and she can't relax. She starts ignoring him, so he calls. She has to assure him everything is ok, but she would like to enjoy her evening.

Diane is now frustrated with the way the relationship is going. She feels like Jack doesn't trust in what they have, as he seems to need to keep in touch constantly. She starts seeing this as clingy needy behavior. She doesn't feel like Jack trusts her anymore although he claims he does.

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Diane cuts her phone off for an entire weekend. Jack has pushed her to the limit and killed her attraction. Jack sees his behavior as considerate. He doesn't understand he took away all of the challenge, all of the mystery by being to available with his constant texting.

A challenge and some mystery are what builds attraction with women. There are texting techniques you can use to build the attraction but there is a such thing as overkill. When texting a girl, if you want it to last or you want to keep her, remember less is more. Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

Monday, November 15, 2010

Before You Text a Girl Good Morning

If you have a new girl in your life and are thinking of sending her a good morning text first thing to consider is this. Is she as into you as you are her? When we girls get a good morning text, we know in that instant you are into us. We think, wow he is thinking of me in the morning, this guy really likes me. You have lost some of your mystery appeal here. She now knows she is in. Once a girl knows this, the fun is pretty much over. Do you really want her to know yet that you are thinking of her even when you awake in the morning?

Another thing about texting a girl good morning is you are setting up an expectation that is pretty high. If you are both into one another and it is early on, she is going to start expecting it everyday. It lays ground work for issues ahead. Do you want to be expected to text her every morning? What happens if you stop feeling it for her or miss a few mornings? I will tell you what happens. Women analyze. She will start worrying if you might be getting distant. There is a good chance she may cause some drama. It's like when you tell a girl you are going to call her and you don't. What does she do? You know the answer to that one I am sure.

Last but not least is texting a girl good morning is pretty boring. It doesn't do much to build attraction. It's sweet, but sweet will not make her feel it for you. To build attraction with texting a girl you need to convey mystery and be a challenge. Texting is a huge tool that can be used to build attraction if you do it with skill.

Any guy can send the same old boring messages that we get everyday. Learn to stand out and escalate the attraction to a higher level through texting.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Text Messaging to Make Her Fall in Love

Can you make a girl fall in love with text messaging? Sounds crazy doesn't it? Well not really. Girls respond to words if used in the right way.

Do you have any clue how many women fall in love online without ever meeting the guy? They form this amazing attachment to a stranger and are convinced they are in love. How do I know this? For starters, I have about 15 of them living in my inbox seeking advice, plus it has happened to me.

Think about it, texting a girl is very similar to emailing back and forth. If a guy can hook a girl through email, surely he can hook her with texting also. It's all about building mystery, attraction and sexual tension. It's not always about what you say, but also about what you don't say. To make a girl fall in love with text messages, you have to be clever.

There are techniques you can use in communicating in the virtual world that keep her hanging and wanting more. I have been on the receiving end of this communication and let me tell you, by the time I met the guy, I was sure it was love. Sounds crazy I know, but he knew how to push my buttons. I wanted to know more about him because he knew how to use the words to let my imagination go into overtime. I spent an entire day texting this guy and at the end of the day, I realized I really knew little about him and he knew a lot about me. How on earth did he do that?

Texting with your girl can enhance your relationship if you know the right techniques and what to say and what not to say. Texting girls is the number one tool in dating now. Some guys are naturals, some are learned. Which one are you?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Boldly Flirt with a Girl with Text Messaging

The great thing about flirting with text messages is you can really put some thought into your texts and replies. You are not face to face having to be quick witted. It doesn't matter what you are wearing or if you have even had a shower and shave. She won't know, all she has to know is how you can make her feel with your texts. When you flirt with a text message, you want to push her emotional buttons and get her hooked. This is done through teasing.

Stop wasting your time sending her all those compliments. Yes they are nice, and we often think they are sweet, but they are not what builds up the sexual tension and initial attraction. If you are going to flirt with girl by a text, tease her. Girls like to be teased. Think back to the days on the playground. We would pretend to get all mad, but really we were loving it when you pulled our pigtails. When texting a girl, think grade school.

So if you are going to flirt with a text message, tease her, pick at her. Use something like an inside joke that you share. Pick at her about a habit she has. Tell her she is such a bad girl. Be a bit naughty but not distasteful. Don't be shy, be bold. Girls love bold confident guys. Flirting with text messages should be fun and upbeat, not serious and boring.

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Another teasing technique in texting girls is to wait to reply. Don't give her an answer right away. Let her hang there a little while. She starts to wonder are you going to reply and just when she is getting frustrated, you come through. She feels relief and this creates a trigger in her. Do it a few times and she will start to associate your replies with a sense of relief. Like Pavlov's dog sort of. Train her emotions with your flirty texts. There is way more to it than the words you send when you want to flirt with a girl via texting.

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Do you really know what you are doing when you text a girl? Do you see it as keeping in touch or do recognize it for the huge tool it is? Learn how to flirt like crazy with girls by text messaging. Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Texting Blunders that Kill the Attraction

I know a woman who is queen of sorry's; constantly apologizing for who she is, sweet sweet woman though. You cannot do this in life, and especially not in texting. I am not talking about being late and not apologizing for it. I am talking about the incessant use of sorrys to be accepted by others. This is just ugly in text and makes you look very weak. What if instead of saying sorry you actually said, "I am pathetic, please like me" or "please accept me, I am your personal slave."

Would this kind of person seem attractive to you? Would you want to be friends or lovers with this person? 90% of the time, when you use "Sorry" it is inappropriate. So stop it!!

The "just kidding or also known as jk, is just as pathetic.This is something that took me forever to learn, simply because I was so afraid of losing someone's approval. Think about how many times you have said something funny, slightly rude, to be playful but pulled it back. You know what you said... the horribly weak comment, "just kidding." It is soft weak and slightly repulsive. Why do you say this?? Why is nearly everything you write

tempered with weak comments like "just kidding" or "sorry about that?" Just cut to the chase and say, "I am really weak and I need to be approved of, so every time we interact I am going to apologize for my existence."


Jen: Hey, I just got my schedule I am free Friday and Monday

Mike: You want to go out Friday?? Don't you have a date that night?

Jen: Yeah... with you! Where are you going to take me?

Mike: Take you??? You asked Meee! I think you should be taking me out to dinner!

Jen: I only buy dinner for cute guys, not rude ones! JK

Did you catch that? That little JK at the end of the text? This is like a dingy towed behind a yacht. Jen was doing so well too! It is as if she was pumping up the tire of interest and pow, she let all the air out with the pin of JK. These are softeners that communicate you are playing. JK and Sorry communicates that you are weak and unsure of yourself. The last thing you want to do in text or in person.

Now the lol. Word of caution, don't overuse lol and =). If you do they lose their effectiveness. There is a guy on Facebook that puts this after every comment. It becomes like an obnoxious giggle after a while; no substance, just space filler. It is almost as obnoxious as me using exclamation points all the time! OR TYPING IN CAPS ALL THE TIME.

When texting girls, remember it is not about getting her to like you, it's more about challenging her. If you can challenge her, you will have her undivided attention.

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Texting is the number one tool in the dating world now, that can't be denied. Even baby boomers use it. There are many skills you can develop with this tool that can charge your dating life up to exciting levels.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Texting a Girl, What Message are You Sending?

Let's say you text a girl good morning. What she feels when you do this is "wow" he must really be into me to be texting a girl first thing in the morning. If you do this every morning, she is going to come to expect it, or she could very well tire of it. Most girls like an occasional "Good Morning" text, but less is more really. Don't do it every day, she will see you as too available, and nothing kills attraction like being too available.

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When texting girls, also what are you saying. Are you calling her beautiful? Using the same old lines we hear over and over. If I get one more "Hello Beautiful", I personally just might scream. We girls roll our eyes and think, can't he be original? Is this the best he can do?

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When texting a girl, don't go overboard. Don't do it too often. When you are constantly texting, again she sees you as maybe desperate, needy and too availble. Girls like guys, enjoy a challenge. Be unpredictable, this puts her on that roller coaster ride of adrenaline surges. If she never knows when or what to expect with your text messages, the attraction tension in heightened.

When texting girls, be fun, flirty, and a bit unpredictable. Keep her guessing. Make her smile, and be original. Put some thought into what you say and when you say it. If you have a great text message in your mind that you want to send, wait, hold onto it. In other words, don't be so anxious to hit the send button.

Dating now is evolving. Text messaging is the biggest tool available to gain and heighten attraction. I have seen guys turn their dating life around by learning to use this tool to their advantage. Knowing the buttons and triggers of women and how to push them via text messaging can triple your dating success.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Texting A Girl. Build the Attraction

So what are the best ways to text a girl? You want to get her interested and hopefully keep her interested. The best way to do this is through humor with a little suspense. Stay away from boring and the same old same old. Girls get the "good morning" text all the time. Nothing creative in that. You could have that stored and just pull it up and hit send. No effort there and we know it. Same thing with the beautiful, sexy and gorgeous names you use. Be different when texting girls, all guys send these.

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If you have to call her a name think of something cute and funny. I had a guy that always joked about how smart he was. Well he would call me grasshopper. You know, the one that learns from the teacher. Grasshopper made me smile way more than sexy or beautiful ever would. It showed me he was paying attention to the conversations we had. In texting a girl, be creative and use your sense of humor.

Don't over text girls either. It gets annoying especially when you are saying nothing really. Don't make dates over a text message or have any discussions. When you are texting to a girl mostly use this communication as a way to make her smile. It's like an anchor to her. Then every time she sees it's you texting she will associate that with a warm fuzzy feeling. The warm fuzzy feeling equals you in her mind. Keep the more serious things or talks to a phone call. When texting girls, keep it light and breezy.

Flirt, flirt, flirt when you are texting a girl. Banter and pick a bit. Be a bit elusive. Instead of saying you wish she was here, say I wish I was on your balcony drinking a beer. This will always make her think in her mind, what about me. The result you are going to get a response and she opens the door for more flirting. Flirting and texting girls goes hand in hand

Texting with a girl is great for you guys. We know you really don't like to talk on the phone and it also decreases your chances of rejection. When you are texting girls remember we are emotional creatures and not so visually stimulated like you are. We often hang on your words and you often make our day with a few well thought out sentences. Make us smile, keep the mushy stuff out and be a bit mysterious and elusive. When you think about what you are going to text a girl, always think fun.

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Women place a huge importance on phone calls and texting from men. You would not believe how we stress over this. It is a huge tool and if used properly can literally transform your dating life and relationships. You can build a huge attraction and keep it by learning how to use the phone to your advantage.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Flirting like Crazy with Text Messages

Today text messaging seems to be a prime means of communication between the male and female species. Its easier to type a text message than pick up the phone and call. It can also be very effective because you have the time to think and plot what it is that you want to say or how to respond.

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Women are not stimulated like men. Men are visual creatures, women more emotional and the stimulation starts in a woman's mind. If you can stimulate her mind, you can get and keep her interest. Men don't respond to words, but women do. They read them, and store them and reflect upon them. The words you use can make a huge difference in how the women in your life see you.

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A lot of men make the mistake of using those friend type text messages, like good morning, how are you, what cha doing type thing. A girl opens her phone up to see that and goes, "Oh Boy, same old same old". You want to stand out above the others. You want to be funny, flirty and witty. Don't waste your texting making her your friend by being like all the others, stand out, be different.

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Women like men, like a challenge. You can chose your words well and pique her interest and get her dying to meet you and be with you. By being creative and using your imagination and a few guides, you can use text messaging to take your dating game or love interest to the next level. What have you got to lose, learn to flirt her up and down through text messages.

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I am a single woman active in the dating scene. I am finding that men spend a lot of time in my phone. Some are welcome there, but most end up deleted. I love a man that can send a great text message. It can be endearing, funny, and interesting. It sparks my interest and makes me want to see him when he sends those great flirts and leaves me with no choice to flirt back.

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