The first impression is critical. Your picture is important. Make sure it is a close up and it is clear. If you choose to add other pictures to your profile, consider adding ones where you are doing something you enjoy. No pictures of pets, landscape scenes or other women, regardless if it's you daughter, mother or aunt. Women are turned off by pictures of you with other women. One of the best tips for internet dating for men is have a picture. A close up and one full body is best. Also, please remeber we women are not as visually stimulated as you men are. We would prefer you keep your shirt on for now. We really do find that shallow and tacky.
Click Here to discover how to have 7 Dates or more this month with attractive women
Your words in your profile are very important. It would not help to do a reverse search and view the profiles of other men. By seeing profiles of other men you can get a good idea how to stand out above the others. 98% of male profiles start out with something like how honest, loving, sincere, hardworking and so on and so forth a man is. As opposed to what? Dishonest, hateful, deceitful and lazy? These qualities do not need to be pointed out. Your personality should shine in your online profile. She should be motivated by your words to learn more about you. Women are going to assume you are all of those thing, we sure hope so.
Click Here to discover how to have 7 Dates or more this month with attractive women
That first email is critical. I am a woman active on a dating site and I can't tell you how many times I find myself rolling my eyes. A lot of men either send something lame like "Ya wanna chat?", or "How are you", or even a lame "hi". This does nothing for me or any other woman for that matter. Then there are the men that enter our inboxes trying to sell themselves. I am this and I am that. I will treat you like a Queen. I will give you massages and candlelit dinners. Please spare us, we are not buying a car. We are looking for creative interesting men. Are you out there? A male online profile should pique our interest, not bore us to tears.
Click Here to discover how to have 7 Dates or more this month with attractive women
Online dating sites really are a great way to meet women. It is different than meeting in person. You have to relay a lot through words and there is no voice in the beginning or visual stimulus. Be careful with your words, it's easy to misinterpret them online. That means one thing, it is up to you and the words you choose to make an impression and create an attraction. The goal is to get the woman inspired and create a desire in her to meet you.
Click Here to discover how to have 7 Dates or more this month with attractive women
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
How to Keep Her Interested
So she is interested, you have been on a few dates and you like her. What is it that keeps a woman interested and keeps her out of the friend zone. Nothing worse than going on several dates, and you sense her back peddling. You are about to hear those words, "can we be just friends".
If you want to keep her interested, don't be over anxious. Keep a little distance in the beginning. Women like consistent contact, but don't go over board. A phone call once a day or every couple days is good. Toss in a text every now and then. If she texts you, don't be so eager to respond. You set the pace by the way you initiate and respond to contact. You stay in control here, women love men in control.
If you are really liking her and you feel the urge to tell her, hold up. Don't spill the beans so fast. Let her wonder how much you like her. If you just told a girl you really like her and she doesn't respond or drift out to space, slow down boy. She ain't there yet and she won't get there if you start gushing. Instead of spilling, give her a well thought out compliment. One compliment every now and then is enough. Women crave validation, but they also like a challenge. Keep the compliments well spaced, it adds allure. Allure will keep her interested.
If you want to keep her interested, treat her good when you are with her. Quality women will walk in a skinny minute when treated in a mediocre manner. Little things go a long way. If her beer is empty, by all means, order another, don't make her ask. Pour her wine for her. Take care of her so to speak. It lets her know you are paying attention and that is just hot to a woman. Again though, don't over do it.
Less is more. Moving too fast and giving too much too soon takes all the mystery away. Women are into a mysterious man. They find him hard to resist.
How to attract any woman you like, knowing exactly whats going on, what to do and what will happen in any situation Click Here!.
If you want to keep her interested, don't be over anxious. Keep a little distance in the beginning. Women like consistent contact, but don't go over board. A phone call once a day or every couple days is good. Toss in a text every now and then. If she texts you, don't be so eager to respond. You set the pace by the way you initiate and respond to contact. You stay in control here, women love men in control.
If you are really liking her and you feel the urge to tell her, hold up. Don't spill the beans so fast. Let her wonder how much you like her. If you just told a girl you really like her and she doesn't respond or drift out to space, slow down boy. She ain't there yet and she won't get there if you start gushing. Instead of spilling, give her a well thought out compliment. One compliment every now and then is enough. Women crave validation, but they also like a challenge. Keep the compliments well spaced, it adds allure. Allure will keep her interested.
If you want to keep her interested, treat her good when you are with her. Quality women will walk in a skinny minute when treated in a mediocre manner. Little things go a long way. If her beer is empty, by all means, order another, don't make her ask. Pour her wine for her. Take care of her so to speak. It lets her know you are paying attention and that is just hot to a woman. Again though, don't over do it.
Less is more. Moving too fast and giving too much too soon takes all the mystery away. Women are into a mysterious man. They find him hard to resist.
How to attract any woman you like, knowing exactly whats going on, what to do and what will happen in any situation Click Here!.
5 Mistakes Men Make Dating
Ever meet a girl, get that first date only to hear shortly after the words "I just want to be friends"? What happened? Why did the attraction just fizzle? Could you have unknowingly made one of the huge dating mistakes men make.
1. Do you listen to her and ask questions about her or are you talking more about yourself trying to impress her? When the date is over, does she know your life history, all about your job and you can't really recall much about her at all? Show sincere interest in her. Being self absorbed is a big mistake men make dating.
2. Please please please don't talk about your ex wife or girlfriend. Nothing waves a flag like this one. We assume you aren't over her, or worse if you are woe is me about the issue, we won't see you as emotionally strong at all. We like strong men, emotionally more than physically.
3. Don't ask us to plan the date. We really want you to take charge, show some confidence. We don't know your budget or your expectations. If you want to present a couple of choices that's fine, but don't depend on us to plan the date.
4. Not pay for the date, especially the first one. That is an immediate ticket to the friend zone. Friends go dutch, dates don't, at least not in the beginning. We feel special when you want to pay.
5. Ignore personal hygiene and put no effort into what you wear. It happens, a guy shows up on the first date in a t-shirt and cap, with dirty sneakers. Suit and tie are not required, but a shirt with a collar is nice, no cap and decent shoes. Women really do notice shoes, trust me on this one.
Note: All of the above does not apply to low quality women who will settle for just a hook up. The above advice is applicable only if you are in search of a smart, attractive, quality woman.
The little mistakes men make dating can pop you into that friend zone in a heartbeat. Quality women can be picky. They have a broader selection of men at their fingertips. Learn to stand out.
How to attract any woman you like, knowing exactly whats going on, what to do and what will happen in any situation. Click Here!
1. Do you listen to her and ask questions about her or are you talking more about yourself trying to impress her? When the date is over, does she know your life history, all about your job and you can't really recall much about her at all? Show sincere interest in her. Being self absorbed is a big mistake men make dating.
2. Please please please don't talk about your ex wife or girlfriend. Nothing waves a flag like this one. We assume you aren't over her, or worse if you are woe is me about the issue, we won't see you as emotionally strong at all. We like strong men, emotionally more than physically.
3. Don't ask us to plan the date. We really want you to take charge, show some confidence. We don't know your budget or your expectations. If you want to present a couple of choices that's fine, but don't depend on us to plan the date.
4. Not pay for the date, especially the first one. That is an immediate ticket to the friend zone. Friends go dutch, dates don't, at least not in the beginning. We feel special when you want to pay.
5. Ignore personal hygiene and put no effort into what you wear. It happens, a guy shows up on the first date in a t-shirt and cap, with dirty sneakers. Suit and tie are not required, but a shirt with a collar is nice, no cap and decent shoes. Women really do notice shoes, trust me on this one.
Note: All of the above does not apply to low quality women who will settle for just a hook up. The above advice is applicable only if you are in search of a smart, attractive, quality woman.
The little mistakes men make dating can pop you into that friend zone in a heartbeat. Quality women can be picky. They have a broader selection of men at their fingertips. Learn to stand out.
How to attract any woman you like, knowing exactly whats going on, what to do and what will happen in any situation. Click Here!
How to Text a Girl and Get Her Into You
If you start out with the marathon texting, you are shooting yourself in the foot in more ways than one. You want to be mysterious and not so very predictable. Predictable is boring. Marathon texting can get annoying and also boring. Save something for a real conversation.
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The first way you kill the attraction with the marathon texting sessions is this tells her you are very into her, it gives her the controls. Girls really don't want to be that much in control, they want to be led. Marathon texting also may lead her to believe you don't have much of a life if you can text for hours. No life a boring boy makes. Humor and Originality also go a long way in the techniques of how to text a girl.
Second way and it is important from a woman's perspective so I have to mention it. When you start out with a set pattern such as you always text "Good Morning" or "Good Night", or you have the "Marathon Texting" sessions, you really just screwed yourself. Now she expects it and it you miss one time, or start decreasing this behavior, don't be alarmed or act surprised if she goes a little crazy. In other words, don't set yourself up for failure for later on. If you are going to marathon text, only do it occasionally. She will appreciate it much more and sort of leaves her wishing it would happen again. Timing is a key element in knowing how to text a girl.
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So if you want to text a girl to keep her into you, let her wonder a little. Let her not ever really know when you are going to text her. This really heightens the attraction. You are there, but she can't quite pin you down. If she is not returning your texts consistently, stop for a few days, this gets her attention. All of a sudden it's like "Where did he go, he was so into me." This is an effective technique in understanding how to text a girl.
True story, the names of course are changed. Mike and Denise had been on a few dates over a months time. Mike would send the "Good Morning" texts every day. Denise sometimes replied, sometimes not. He would texted her things about his day or ask about hers. Denise did not show much enthusiasm. Mike was getting discouraged. She still hung out with him, but she never initiated a text and often didn't reply. Mike stopped for two days, did not contact her at all. Surprise suprise! Denise noticed. All of a sudden, Mike was more interesting. It could be a bit of that "wanting what you can't have".
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Less is more is a good rule to go by. Text a girl you like more like she was a girl you don't really like, especially in the beginning. Keeping her guessing is sort of lke teasing her. Girls as far back as gradeschool love to be teased.
Do you realize how powerful of a tool texting messaging can be when it comes to getting the girl? It can make or break a girl's attraction. You could be killing or intensifying your dating experiences. You can be like the majority of the clueless guys out there or you can stand out by learning some effective texting techniques.
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
The first way you kill the attraction with the marathon texting sessions is this tells her you are very into her, it gives her the controls. Girls really don't want to be that much in control, they want to be led. Marathon texting also may lead her to believe you don't have much of a life if you can text for hours. No life a boring boy makes. Humor and Originality also go a long way in the techniques of how to text a girl.
Second way and it is important from a woman's perspective so I have to mention it. When you start out with a set pattern such as you always text "Good Morning" or "Good Night", or you have the "Marathon Texting" sessions, you really just screwed yourself. Now she expects it and it you miss one time, or start decreasing this behavior, don't be alarmed or act surprised if she goes a little crazy. In other words, don't set yourself up for failure for later on. If you are going to marathon text, only do it occasionally. She will appreciate it much more and sort of leaves her wishing it would happen again. Timing is a key element in knowing how to text a girl.
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
So if you want to text a girl to keep her into you, let her wonder a little. Let her not ever really know when you are going to text her. This really heightens the attraction. You are there, but she can't quite pin you down. If she is not returning your texts consistently, stop for a few days, this gets her attention. All of a sudden it's like "Where did he go, he was so into me." This is an effective technique in understanding how to text a girl.
True story, the names of course are changed. Mike and Denise had been on a few dates over a months time. Mike would send the "Good Morning" texts every day. Denise sometimes replied, sometimes not. He would texted her things about his day or ask about hers. Denise did not show much enthusiasm. Mike was getting discouraged. She still hung out with him, but she never initiated a text and often didn't reply. Mike stopped for two days, did not contact her at all. Surprise suprise! Denise noticed. All of a sudden, Mike was more interesting. It could be a bit of that "wanting what you can't have".
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
Less is more is a good rule to go by. Text a girl you like more like she was a girl you don't really like, especially in the beginning. Keeping her guessing is sort of lke teasing her. Girls as far back as gradeschool love to be teased.
Do you realize how powerful of a tool texting messaging can be when it comes to getting the girl? It can make or break a girl's attraction. You could be killing or intensifying your dating experiences. You can be like the majority of the clueless guys out there or you can stand out by learning some effective texting techniques.
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Why You Should Not Text a Girl All Day Long
When you are constantly texting a girl you become predictatable. She starts to expect it. You also run the risk of seeming too available or needy. You may also be sending the signal of how into her you really are and this is not always a good thing. Mystery and intrigue are what builds attraction, not being predictable.
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You know how it seems the one you don't like so much always seems to pay you more attention. Could this be because you come across to her as more of a challenge. This is why when texting a girl you like, it's best to treat her like a girl you don't really like, especially in the beginning. Be a challenge, not so available.
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The main reason though not to text a girl you like constantly is you want to leave her wanting more. If you are in constant contact, it does not give attraction a chance to build. Anticipation is a big part of attraction. If you are less predictable, say texting less, and at different times, she will be left wondering. A woman's imagination is a powerful tool to use to your advantage.
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When texing girls, keep them guessing. This conveys mystery and allure. What girl does not like an alluring mysterious guy? None! Besides constant texting gets boring. It also shows you don't have much of a life. A guy with a full life is attractive. A guy who does not need the constant validation he gets form all that texting is just sexy.
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
You know how it seems the one you don't like so much always seems to pay you more attention. Could this be because you come across to her as more of a challenge. This is why when texting a girl you like, it's best to treat her like a girl you don't really like, especially in the beginning. Be a challenge, not so available.
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
The main reason though not to text a girl you like constantly is you want to leave her wanting more. If you are in constant contact, it does not give attraction a chance to build. Anticipation is a big part of attraction. If you are less predictable, say texting less, and at different times, she will be left wondering. A woman's imagination is a powerful tool to use to your advantage.
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
When texing girls, keep them guessing. This conveys mystery and allure. What girl does not like an alluring mysterious guy? None! Besides constant texting gets boring. It also shows you don't have much of a life. A guy with a full life is attractive. A guy who does not need the constant validation he gets form all that texting is just sexy.
Friday, July 16, 2010
How to Be a Ladie's Man
When you have the ability to approach a woman and start a conversation with her, you IMMEDIATELY begin meeting more women every weekend that most men will meet in SIX MONTHS. What exactly is this ability and how do you get it. Can it be learned? Absolutely! You can be a ladies man in no time.
Men often make the mistake of trying to get a woman interested in all the wrong ways. They try to be nice, sometimes too nice. I have a guy friend, (I am a woman by the way). He is attractive, and just super nice. I can talk to him for hours and he is a great friend. Now why would I not want to date him? Its not like he didn't try. I did not feel the attraction and let me tell you, he is attractive. He is just too nice. Now don't get me wrong, we don't want to be treated badly, but the things he does in the beginning of trying to get a date just send out all the wrong signals. He used his tactics on me and got nowhere but friendship, now I watch as he repeats these things over and over and just can't seem to get to a date, let alone a relationship. He thinks he is a ladies man, but he is not, he is a ladies best friend.
He will buy a girl drinks, start up a conversation and just straight out start trying to convince the ladies of what a great guy he is and he is a great guy. A woman can think you are a great guy, but that is not going to get you far. We like a man who can get our attention and keep it. The men that stand out are the ones that have an air of confidence, are witty and tease us a bit. They don't try to convince us how great we are. They flirt in a way that challenges us to flirt back. They are natural at being a ladies man.
Being "nice" and "accommodating" and "understanding" is great for friendships and social relationships, but it's HORRIBLE for ATTRACTION. An interesting, attractive woman doesn't want a guy that she can push around. She doesn't want a guy who does what she wants him to do. She doesn't want a little boy that she can train and raise. I am assuming you want an interesting woman and not a damsel in distress, needy type woman that will try to change you.
Isn't it time to take control of your life and become a ladie's man that few women will ever reject? Don't you owe it to yourself to learn how to lay the groundwork for natural conversation, killing any "awkward" moments? There are men out there that are meeting great women and having a large time doing it. They understand what gets a woman attracted and keeps her attracted. If you could learn these skills and they are very simple, why would you not. Don't you want and deserve great women in your life?
Men often make the mistake of trying to get a woman interested in all the wrong ways. They try to be nice, sometimes too nice. I have a guy friend, (I am a woman by the way). He is attractive, and just super nice. I can talk to him for hours and he is a great friend. Now why would I not want to date him? Its not like he didn't try. I did not feel the attraction and let me tell you, he is attractive. He is just too nice. Now don't get me wrong, we don't want to be treated badly, but the things he does in the beginning of trying to get a date just send out all the wrong signals. He used his tactics on me and got nowhere but friendship, now I watch as he repeats these things over and over and just can't seem to get to a date, let alone a relationship. He thinks he is a ladies man, but he is not, he is a ladies best friend.
He will buy a girl drinks, start up a conversation and just straight out start trying to convince the ladies of what a great guy he is and he is a great guy. A woman can think you are a great guy, but that is not going to get you far. We like a man who can get our attention and keep it. The men that stand out are the ones that have an air of confidence, are witty and tease us a bit. They don't try to convince us how great we are. They flirt in a way that challenges us to flirt back. They are natural at being a ladies man.
Being "nice" and "accommodating" and "understanding" is great for friendships and social relationships, but it's HORRIBLE for ATTRACTION. An interesting, attractive woman doesn't want a guy that she can push around. She doesn't want a guy who does what she wants him to do. She doesn't want a little boy that she can train and raise. I am assuming you want an interesting woman and not a damsel in distress, needy type woman that will try to change you.
Isn't it time to take control of your life and become a ladie's man that few women will ever reject? Don't you owe it to yourself to learn how to lay the groundwork for natural conversation, killing any "awkward" moments? There are men out there that are meeting great women and having a large time doing it. They understand what gets a woman attracted and keeps her attracted. If you could learn these skills and they are very simple, why would you not. Don't you want and deserve great women in your life?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Texting a Girl to Push Her Buttons
Ever heard the saying men fall in love with their eyes, women fall in love with their ears? In other words, women really do hang on your words. This fact alone makes texting a huge tool in attracting a girl. If done well, you get her attention, if not, well you can blow it fast.
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The goal when texting a girl is to get your texts to become an emotional trigger or anchor. When she sees it's you, you want her heart to race long before she opens your message. If you can text a girl and accomplish this, you got it made.
The way to do this is create positive feelings for a girl when you text her. This is done by being funny, witty and making her feel special. The typical text messages just don't do it. Texting about how her day is or just to say hello is dull and boring and will not set a positive trigger in her mind. There is way more to texting a girl than what you may realize. Just sending a text does not always spark her interest, you need to send a good text.
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The more attractive the girl the harder this is going to be. An attractive girl has more guys competing for her attention. She can afford to be selective. The dull and boring get weeded out quick. Trust me, I am a girl, I get lots of text messages. Some just make me want to roll my eyes and I don't even answer, if I do, my heart is not in it. It's the guy that makes me laugh that I will put some thought into my reply. When texting a girl, take the time to do it right, otherwise you are just wasting your efforts.
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Learn what messages send her through the roof and which ones bore her to tears. While she is texting you, she may very well be texting some other guy that is far more skilled than you. Don't take it for granted that you know what you are doing, because about 95% don't. Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
The goal when texting a girl is to get your texts to become an emotional trigger or anchor. When she sees it's you, you want her heart to race long before she opens your message. If you can text a girl and accomplish this, you got it made.
The way to do this is create positive feelings for a girl when you text her. This is done by being funny, witty and making her feel special. The typical text messages just don't do it. Texting about how her day is or just to say hello is dull and boring and will not set a positive trigger in her mind. There is way more to texting a girl than what you may realize. Just sending a text does not always spark her interest, you need to send a good text.
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
The more attractive the girl the harder this is going to be. An attractive girl has more guys competing for her attention. She can afford to be selective. The dull and boring get weeded out quick. Trust me, I am a girl, I get lots of text messages. Some just make me want to roll my eyes and I don't even answer, if I do, my heart is not in it. It's the guy that makes me laugh that I will put some thought into my reply. When texting a girl, take the time to do it right, otherwise you are just wasting your efforts.
Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
Learn what messages send her through the roof and which ones bore her to tears. While she is texting you, she may very well be texting some other guy that is far more skilled than you. Don't take it for granted that you know what you are doing, because about 95% don't. Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
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