Ever heard the saying men fall in love with their eyes, women fall in love with their ears? In other words, women really do hang on your words. This fact alone makes texting a huge tool in attracting a girl. If done well, you get her attention, if not, well you can blow it fast.
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The goal when texting a girl is to get your texts to become an emotional trigger or anchor. When she sees it's you, you want her heart to race long before she opens your message. If you can text a girl and accomplish this, you got it made.
The way to do this is create positive feelings for a girl when you text her. This is done by being funny, witty and making her feel special. The typical text messages just don't do it. Texting about how her day is or just to say hello is dull and boring and will not set a positive trigger in her mind. There is way more to texting a girl than what you may realize. Just sending a text does not always spark her interest, you need to send a good text.
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The more attractive the girl the harder this is going to be. An attractive girl has more guys competing for her attention. She can afford to be selective. The dull and boring get weeded out quick. Trust me, I am a girl, I get lots of text messages. Some just make me want to roll my eyes and I don't even answer, if I do, my heart is not in it. It's the guy that makes me laugh that I will put some thought into my reply. When texting a girl, take the time to do it right, otherwise you are just wasting your efforts.
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Learn what messages send her through the roof and which ones bore her to tears. While she is texting you, she may very well be texting some other guy that is far more skilled than you. Don't take it for granted that you know what you are doing, because about 95% don't. Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
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