Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Why You Should Not Text a Girl All Day Long

When you are constantly texting a girl you become predictatable. She starts to expect it. You also run the risk of seeming too available or needy. You may also be sending the signal of how into her you really are and this is not always a good thing. Mystery and intrigue are what builds attraction, not being predictable.

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You know how it seems the one you don't like so much always seems to pay you more attention. Could this be because you come across to her as more of a challenge. This is why when texting a girl you like, it's best to treat her like a girl you don't really like, especially in the beginning. Be a challenge, not so available.

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The main reason though not to text a girl you like constantly is you want to leave her wanting more. If you are in constant contact, it does not give attraction a chance to build. Anticipation is a big part of attraction. If you are less predictable, say texting less, and at different times, she will be left wondering. A woman's imagination is a powerful tool to use to your advantage.

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When texing girls, keep them guessing. This conveys mystery and allure. What girl does not like an alluring mysterious guy? None! Besides constant texting gets boring. It also shows you don't have much of a life. A guy with a full life is attractive. A guy who does not need the constant validation he gets form all that texting is just sexy.

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