Friday, October 30, 2009

Flirting like Crazy with Text Messages

Today text messaging seems to be a prime means of communication between the male and female species. Its easier to type a text message than pick up the phone and call. It can also be very effective because you have the time to think and plot what it is that you want to say or how to respond.

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Women are not stimulated like men. Men are visual creatures, women more emotional and the stimulation starts in a woman's mind. If you can stimulate her mind, you can get and keep her interest. Men don't respond to words, but women do. They read them, and store them and reflect upon them. The words you use can make a huge difference in how the women in your life see you.

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A lot of men make the mistake of using those friend type text messages, like good morning, how are you, what cha doing type thing. A girl opens her phone up to see that and goes, "Oh Boy, same old same old". You want to stand out above the others. You want to be funny, flirty and witty. Don't waste your texting making her your friend by being like all the others, stand out, be different.

Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

Women like men, like a challenge. You can chose your words well and pique her interest and get her dying to meet you and be with you. By being creative and using your imagination and a few guides, you can use text messaging to take your dating game or love interest to the next level. What have you got to lose, learn to flirt her up and down through text messages.

Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

I am a single woman active in the dating scene. I am finding that men spend a lot of time in my phone. Some are welcome there, but most end up deleted. I love a man that can send a great text message. It can be endearing, funny, and interesting. It sparks my interest and makes me want to see him when he sends those great flirts and leaves me with no choice to flirt back.

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

She Wants to be Just Friends

Women are not stimulated like men. Men are visual creatures, women more emotional and the stimulation starts in a woman's mind. If you can stimulate her mind, you can get and keep her interest. Men don't respond to words, but women do. They read them, and store them and reflect upon them. The words you use can make a huge difference in how the women in your life see you. Take her out of the friend zone and more than just friends.

How many times have you heard the line, I just want to be your friend or I don't want to risk our friendship. It happens over and over to most guys. You are viewed as the nice guy and we all know the nice guy usually does not get the girl.

If you are trying to convince her how great you are and what a wonderful partner you are this will push her further away. You are not a used car salesman. If you thing buying her gifts and doing nice things will sway her, wrong again, she will just see you as needy and desperate.

The key is to change her view of you from that of Mr. Nice guy to Mr. Confident who will be just fine with or without her. Indifference can make her stop and think, hey maybe I am missing something here. So after you have been this great friend to her, your next step of action might be to take that friendship away, distance yourself. Women want what they can't have. How many times have you witnessed someone not wanting something until it was gone?

So stop being the nice guy and the friend. Treat her like you would any other person and show her it does not matter. Make her think with your actions, not with words trying to convince her how you are perfect for her and why she should be with you. If she just wants to be friends, change your behavior. Get out of the friend zone.

Are you going to just stand by while some other guy gets the girl. Are you going to be the guy who gets to stand back and watch as she dates other guys? Always the friend, never the boyfriend. Stop hearing the words "I just want to be friends".

Secrets to Giving Your Woman Powerful Orgasms

Building up the Excitement

Talk soft and intimate love talk and foreplay to make her crazy with longing. Caress her all over gently and lovingly while you appreciate her. Some naughty talk may also accompany this. Be aware if she is enjoying it; if not then omit the naughty talk. Keep building up the excitement till her body wiggles and twists with desire. Prepare her for that mind blowing orgasm.

Know her body

This will come gradually. Be alert to detect which movement or touch excites her and makes her breathing irregular; be attentive to realize that she has moved your hand away from a spot or a particular position that she is uncomfortable with. Once you're aware of what excites or does not excite her, you will be able to give her intense orgasms. Pay attention to her body, her movement, her moaning and mostly her breathing.

Go real slow

Once she's ready do not rush into it. Just because she is wet does not mean she is ready for you to take the plunge. She will want to orgasm and orgasm a number of times and if you too wish your girl to have intense orgasms then do not penetrate even if you think she's ready. And when you do penetrate move slowly in and out and do not thrust heavily or fast initially. Tease her until she can't take it anymore and just explodes. Again, pay attention to her breathing, then you will know when to pick up the pace.

You'll feel really good when you have brought your woman to screaming pleasures. Be the lover she never forgets and longs for. Turn her into a wild woman in the bedroom by driving her crazy with pleasure.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Approaching Women and Asking a Girl Out

Its a fact that there are a lot more single women out there than men. So whats the problem here? Why is it so many men don't know how to ask a girl out? Men get rejected often and this is what makes them stop trying. A lot of guys give out their phone number instead of getting hers. Do you do this and why? You do this because if she calls you then you don't risk the chance of rejection you may get if you call her and she blows you off. The truth of the matter is a lot of girls give out their numbers to be polite. No wonder guys are getting lazier when it comes to approaching women. Its really a simple concept when it comes to asking a girl out.

Lets say for every 100 women you meet 20 of them are actually:

Emotionally Stable
Able to carry on an interesting conversation
Not stuck up
Not psycho

So those 80 rejected you and you get discouraged. It affects your attitude and then you are not on your game when you do come across the 20. The key is to not take the 80 personally. Its gets difficult because your mind frame starts to expect the women to be not single, not emotionally stable, not able to carry on a conversation, stuck up and psycho.
The secret here is to approach every woman that you meet with it in your mind that she is all of the above. But let's say that you were "playing it cool", not saying anything that might offend or appear "too forward", and generally treating her like she was probably married or had a boyfriend. You'd probably be trying to figure out if she was

single, not really paying attention to what you were saying, and you might finish up by saying, "So, can I take you out to dinner sometime?" And what is this hot, smart, desirable woman thinking while you're acting like a dork? Right...she's thinking that you're a dork. Duh.

The solution is to use a little technique called behaving as if she's single, available, and interesting. You must learn to overcome your initial self-doubt and your doubts about a woman, and behave as if every woman you start talking to is single and as if she's going to be the one most interesting woman ever. You must do the things that will attract that woman, and forget about the rest. You must learn to not take the things that happen in between meeting the wonderful ones personally.

You need to be humorous, creative and flirty. Don't ask a woman out to dinner or a movie, all guys do that.

Learn more about how to stand out and get those dates. Learn what works and how to attract a woman on a deeper level through your body language and attitude. Regardless of who you are, how you look, what you do for a living, you can learn how to get a woman to feel that attraction for you on a gut level and say yes when you ask her out. Learn what works and how to ask a girl out.

I am a single woman and know more single women than I do married or attached ones. They are all very available and want to date, but get discouraged because the men don't seem to get it. We want you to get it. We want a great guy. We want you to ask us out, but we don't want the same old thing. Would you like to go to dinner? Please...... We have all have met men that naturally know secret techniques and how to attract women and we are drawn to them like magnets. Do yourself a favor, take the time to learn these secrets. What do you have to lose, are you dating like crazy now? If you were you would not be reading this article. For more information on what women want please visit my site.

Build Intense Attraction with Text Messaging

click here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

Text messaging is very powerful in building confidence and it realigns you with what exactly turns women on. This happens because when you send text messages you get time to stop and think about what you would have said. It's your opportunity to send the perfect flirty text message. If you do this right if she responds desirably (which she will) your confidence with build and you'll gain first hand, what to say to be successful with women on the phone and in the real world.

Texting roots to the source of power... WORDS. As they say in sales, "If you know the right words, you'll always make the sale."
You don't need to be witty, you don't need to dress a certain way (in fact you don't need to wear anything) and you don't have to deal with the competition in the room for that certain girl.
You're able to keep you on her mind all throughout the day, which is basically the definition of attraction... "A consistent thought about someone."
It gives you all the time you need to send the right flirty text messages so you can consistently get your desired response.
Effortlessly, you can build attraction, flirt and turn her on to where she is dying to meet up with you.

The key to building her interest and getting her attracted is in your presentation and what you say. How many of you men have sent "Good Morning Beautiful"? I bet a lot of you raised your hands. Do you have any idea how many times we have gotten that one? Be original and creative. If you want to say Good Morning, add some humor or find a way to bring up a funny memory.

My guy calls me Scarlett, as in O'Hara. Now what woman would not be flattered to be referred to as Scarlett or some other very intriguing woman. How about "Good Morning Scarlett". I would answer something and call him Rhett. This opens the door for more witty and cocky (women like cocky by the way) comments. There are tons of quotes from that movie alone to play upon. Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damned that you are...say whatever, just be creative. That was just an example. Don't be mushy or serious. Mushy and serious will bore us to death. The object is to make us smile and laugh. Have you ever seen a woman somewhere reading a text message with that slight smile on her face and that mischievous look in her eyes while she is reading it. Bet she just got a text from her guy and I bet it was on the wicked side. Texting makes it so all you have to account for are words and timing. You text the right words at the right time and you can expect to triple or double your success in dating. I have seen it happen hundreds of times.

Flirting is the first step in building attraction. From a guy's rational perspective, it's unnecessary because she has already created attraction with her appearance. Men are visually stimulated its true. But it's crucial to a woman's attraction towards you because she is still waiting for a reason to want you. And a great way to do this is through sending flirty text messages.

click here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

I am a single woman who has years of experience dating. I know what we like and women roll their eyes at some of these text messages we get and I don't mean that in a good way. With the right words, you can make our hearts skip a beat. Learn to do it right and we will be hanging on your words and the attraction will build. The result is women will not be able to resist you and will be dying to see you or meet you.

click here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

Do Women Fake Orgasms

A lot of women won't tell you what they really want in bed. They are emotional creatures and love the foreplay and the cuddle time. The truth is they long for a man that can rock their world and make them surrender and scream in pleasure. They fake it because they don't want to hurt your feelings.

75% of women admit to faking. Women know that a man puts a lot of stock into his sexual performance and so they fake it to stroke your ego. Admit it, when you think you have made her weak in the knees, you feel great! You feel like Don Juan.

Its also a fact that most women take longer to reach orgasm than men. If a man knows what do do, and how to do it, it will not take a woman so long to peak to sexual pleasure. She is capable of having many orgasms if you are able to give them to her. Women are not limited to the number of orgasms she can achieve. How would you like to be told, please please stop, I can't take anymore. You can make a woman scream in bed if you know what works.

When a woman loses control, her skin gets hot, and red, she has contractions, her breathing is out of control and her body writhes. She stumbles when she gets out of bed because she is weak in the knees and disoriented. If your woman is not doing this, chances are, she is faking it. Are you this kind of lover to her? Do you make her scream with ecstasy between the sheets?

Imagine giving a woman multiple orgasms. Learn the to give a woman three types of orgasms. Make her scream tonight at

Get Out of the Friend Zone

Women are not stimulated like men. Men are visual creatures, women more emotional and the stimulation starts in a woman's mind. If you can stimulate her mind, you can get and keep her interest. Men don't respond to words, but women do. They read them, and store them and reflect upon them. The words you use can make a huge difference in how the women in your life see you. Take her out of the friend zone and more than just friends.

How many times have you heard the line, I just want to be your friend or I don't want to risk our friendship. It happens over and over to most guys. You are viewed as the nice guy and we all know the nice guy usually does not get the girl.

If you are trying to convince her how great you are and what a wonderful partner you are this will push her further away. You are not a used car salesman. If you thing buying her gifts and doing nice things will sway her, wrong again, she will just see you as needy and desperate.

The key is to change her view of you from that of Mr. Nice guy to Mr. Confident who will be just fine with or without her. Indifference can make her stop and think, hey maybe I am missing something here. So after you have been this great friend to her, your next step of action might be to take that friendship away, distance yourself. Women want what they can't have. How many times have you witnessed someone not wanting something until it was gone?

So stop being the nice guy and the friend. Treat her like you would any other person and show her it does not matter. Make her think with your actions, not with words trying to convince her how you are perfect for her and why she should be with you. If she just wants to be friends, change your behavior. Get out of the friend zone.
Chances are that if you are her friend you will have the pleasure of meeting all of her new boyfriends. Is this what you want to do, or do you want to be the boyfriend? Be the guy that gets the girl, don't sit back while someone else comes along and gets what you want.