Lets say for every 100 women you meet 20 of them are actually:
Emotionally Stable
Able to carry on an interesting conversation
Not stuck up
Not psycho
So those 80 rejected you and you get discouraged. It affects your attitude and then you are not on your game when you do come across the 20. The key is to not take the 80 personally. Its gets difficult because your mind frame starts to expect the women to be not single, not emotionally stable, not able to carry on a conversation, stuck up and psycho.
The secret here is to approach every woman that you meet with it in your mind that she is all of the above. But let's say that you were "playing it cool", not saying anything that might offend or appear "too forward", and generally treating her like she was probably married or had a boyfriend. You'd probably be trying to figure out if she was
single, not really paying attention to what you were saying, and you might finish up by saying, "So, can I take you out to dinner sometime?" And what is this hot, smart, desirable woman thinking while you're acting like a dork? Right...she's thinking that you're a dork. Duh.
The solution is to use a little technique called behaving as if she's single, available, and interesting. You must learn to overcome your initial self-doubt and your doubts about a woman, and behave as if every woman you start talking to is single and as if she's going to be the one most interesting woman ever. You must do the things that will attract that woman, and forget about the rest. You must learn to not take the things that happen in between meeting the wonderful ones personally.
You need to be humorous, creative and flirty. Don't ask a woman out to dinner or a movie, all guys do that.
Learn more about how to stand out and get those dates. Learn what works and how to attract a woman on a deeper level through your body language and attitude. Regardless of who you are, how you look, what you do for a living, you can learn how to get a woman to feel that attraction for you on a gut level and say yes when you ask her out. Learn what works and how to ask a girl out.
I am a single woman and know more single women than I do married or attached ones. They are all very available and want to date, but get discouraged because the men don't seem to get it. We want you to get it. We want a great guy. We want you to ask us out, but we don't want the same old thing. Would you like to go to dinner? Please...... We have all have met men that naturally know secret techniques and how to attract women and we are drawn to them like magnets. Do yourself a favor, take the time to learn these secrets. What do you have to lose, are you dating like crazy now? If you were you would not be reading this article. For more information on what women want please visit my site.