Let's say you text a girl good morning. What she feels when you do this is "wow" he must really be into me to be texting a girl first thing in the morning. If you do this every morning, she is going to come to expect it, or she could very well tire of it. Most girls like an occasional "Good Morning" text, but less is more really. Don't do it every day, she will see you as too available, and nothing kills attraction like being too available.
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When texting girls, also what are you saying. Are you calling her beautiful? Using the same old lines we hear over and over. If I get one more "Hello Beautiful", I personally just might scream. We girls roll our eyes and think, can't he be original? Is this the best he can do?
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When texting a girl, don't go overboard. Don't do it too often. When you are constantly texting, again she sees you as maybe desperate, needy and too availble. Girls like guys, enjoy a challenge. Be unpredictable, this puts her on that roller coaster ride of adrenaline surges. If she never knows when or what to expect with your text messages, the attraction tension in heightened.
When texting girls, be fun, flirty, and a bit unpredictable. Keep her guessing. Make her smile, and be original. Put some thought into what you say and when you say it. If you have a great text message in your mind that you want to send, wait, hold onto it. In other words, don't be so anxious to hit the send button.
Dating now is evolving. Text messaging is the biggest tool available to gain and heighten attraction. I have seen guys turn their dating life around by learning to use this tool to their advantage. Knowing the buttons and triggers of women and how to push them via text messaging can triple your dating success.
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