We women speak often about online dating and the crazy profiles we read. We go on and on about it. Below are some of our top 10 complaints and turn offs. Please take these into consideration when composing your profile.
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1. Pictures of you in front of your bathroom mirror with your shirt off. Who loves you baby? You do. That's all fine a well, but really, leave it for our imagination.
2. Your sexual preferences of alluding to how skilled you are. So how many partners did you have to go through to obtain this skill really? Eighty million? We don't want a man slut, I promise.
3. Your boat, fast car, motorcycles, airplanes, helicopters and other toys. We are not dating you for your toys and do your really want us to? Wouldn't you rather us be interested in you. These things are not impressive and very superficial.
4. Your past experiences or your exes or how you have been done wrong by the women before us. Are you going to cry on our first date?
5. Bad spelling and grammar. We would like to think you have a little intelligence. There are a lot of browsers out there with built in spell check. Firefox is one of them, it's free, use it.
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6. So you are looking for a good, honest, loyal, loving woman. Really? We thought you wanted a stupid, rude, lying, frigid woman. This is a no brainer guys, you don't need to put it in your online dating profile.
7. You are a good, honest, loyal, loving man. Really again? We were hoping for a rude, stupid, lying cold hearted man. This too is a no brainer.
8. So you have this long list of must haves huh? Go to Russia and pick up your mail order bride.
9. Sleeping, kissing, hugging your pets. We really do try to avoid lying down with the dogs.
10. So you don't do games or drama? What a let down. We were so hoping you would string us along and mess with our heads.
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Yes that is a bit sarcastic, but please pay attention. We are on the dating site to seriously meet and get to know you, so please be real. Make us smile and laugh with you, not at you, so please pay attention to what not to put on your online dating profile. The women speak. We want you to listen.
The profile is just the beginning. There is the first email, phone call and date. Women speak about that also. There are a lot of discouraged good, attractive women out there just wanting you to get it right. Please take the time to increase the success of your online dating. We really want you to.
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