Showing posts with label nice guys jerks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nice guys jerks. Show all posts

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Nice Guy

On a ladies forum, there is a discussion about nice guys and what advice we women would give them. Wanted to share a few of the posts here. We really do like nice guys.

A woman who is secure within herself and truthful to herself, does not respect a man who says YES to everything, as that reflects lack of personality . A real man has feelings, thoughts and principles of his own and should not ignore his real self

You're a nice guy, you're not gonna give off that 'I'm only interested in sex'-vibe anyway. But a girl's looking for a lover, not a male friend. You do need to create physical attraction and convince her that there's sexual compatability. Without some sexual tension during the date, a girl might have a nice dinner with you, but she won't consider taking you as her mate. Good flirting includes some subtle naughty humor.

Many nice guys think when it comes to women, they have the short straw. They see tons of confident, cocky males getting the woman. However, the truth is - nice guys have the winning edge. Most women will give nice guys a chance, precisely because they display more respect to a woman, they're better mannered and they have values that are so appealing to a woman.

Where the nice guys fall down however is in lack of confidence and poor self esteem.

My advice to a nice guy is to feel the fear and do it anyway. Don't be shy to make the first move. If you're interested in a woman, well please show it. Chances are you'll get success.

And if a woman does happen to reject you, please don't take it personally, and allow that one rejection to cause you to head back into your shell.

We LIKE nice guys!