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The first impression is your picture. Make sure it is a close up and it is clear. If you choose to add other pictures to your profile, consider adding ones where you are actively doing what you enjoy. No pictures of pets, landscape scenes or other women, regardless of who they are. Women are turned off by pictures of you with other women. One of the best tips for internet dating for men is have a picture. A close up and one full body is prefered.
Then the important thing, your profile. It would not hurt to do a reverse search and view other profiles of men. By seeing profiles of other men you can get a good idea how to stand out above the others. 98% of male profiles start out with something like how honest, loving, sincere, hardworking and so on and so forth a man is. As opposed to what? Dishonest, hateful, deceitful and lazy? These qualities do not need to be pointed out. Your personality should shine in your online profile. She should be motivated by your words to learn more about you.
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That first email is crucial. I am a woman active on a dating site and I can't tell you how many times I roll my eyes. The majority of the men either send something lame like "Ya wanna chat", or "How are you", and I have even got just a lame "hi". This does nothing for me or any other woman for that matter. Then there are the men that enter our inboxes trying to sell themselves. Please spare us, we are not buying a car. We are looking for creative interesting men. Are you out there? A male online profile should pique our interest, not bore us to tears.
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