Texting being the biggest dating tool available can be used to turn a girl on, but if used incorrectly, it can be a huge turnoff. Texting a girl should always be done in moderation. There is a such thing as overkill. This applies also to calling. The key here to remember is less is more.
I am going to share a story here with you about Jack and Diane. They met at happy hour one afternoon and hit it off. Jack got Diane's number and texted her the next day. Jack immediately jumped in and started texting her Good Morning everyday, even before their first date. Diane thought it sweet and really didn't think nothing of it.
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Fast forward, they start dating. They hit it off, things are good. Jack steps up the texting, now not only is it Good Morning, but he is sharing bits and pieces of his day, staying in constant contact with Diane. Now there are so many women out there complaining that their guys don't text or call enough, so what is the problem here?
Let's go forward a couple more months. Jack and Diane are still dating, but Diane has slowed down on her responses to Jack. He texts her while she is at work, while she is shopping, it's just too much. Diane goes out with the girls. Jack texts her half the night and she can't relax. She starts ignoring him, so he calls. She has to assure him everything is ok, but she would like to enjoy her evening.
Diane is now frustrated with the way the relationship is going. She feels like Jack doesn't trust in what they have, as he seems to need to keep in touch constantly. She starts seeing this as clingy needy behavior. She doesn't feel like Jack trusts her anymore although he claims he does.
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Diane cuts her phone off for an entire weekend. Jack has pushed her to the limit and killed her attraction. Jack sees his behavior as considerate. He doesn't understand he took away all of the challenge, all of the mystery by being to available with his constant texting.
A challenge and some mystery are what builds attraction with women. There are texting techniques you can use to build the attraction but there is a such thing as overkill. When texting a girl, if you want it to last or you want to keep her, remember less is more. Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
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