It really is what you don't say that packs the punch. Let's say she just texted you "What ya doing?". You can answer her and tell her of course. " I just had lunch, now I am going to walk the dog." How boring is that? No mystery there is it. When texting a woman, be fun, not dull.
Let her imagination do your work for you. Don't actually answer her question. Dance around it. Change the subject. This would be even more effective if she asked something like "What are you up to tonight?". It leaves her wanting more information, a sure way to build mystery when texting a woman.
Another way to avoid the questions is to answer something just crazy or off the wall. Something like "Signing autographs, whatever, you get the point. It starts an entirely new conversation
yet she still doesn't have the answer to her question. Again she wants more information.
When texting a woman, less is more. Another way to be mysterious is to not reply right away. Wait a while. Let her wonder what you are doing that has you so busy you can't answer. Now chances are good that if you don't answer right away she will text again. If she does, use this opportunity to pick at her for her impatience and how she must really want you to keep texting.
When texting girls so many guys are so boring. They are predictable. Boring and predictable do not build attraction when it comes to texting women. Mystery and illusive build attraction. Be evasive. This makes her want to see you. It's a challenge and all people, male and female, love a challenge. It's a fact.
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