So many men make so many mistakes in the beginning of the game. They try to be nice and interesting, but somehow it just backfires. After a few calls and texts, the girl decides she just wants to be Friends. What are you doing wrong, you are a nice guy right? Why is it some guys even though they are not all that hot have the women all over them. What do they do that you don't? Discover how to double your dating and the secrets to text messaging women.
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First thing when you are texting or calling a woman, you have to be upbeat, humerus and play on her emotional side. Women are bored by serious talk. If you start out talking about what you want in a relationship, the qualities that you expect, blah blah blah, you will bore her to death. Its the guy who makes the girl laugh that gets her attention. This is the one that will have her picking up the phone and sharing the texts or conversations with her girlfriends.
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Be flirty. Be a bit of a bad boy, but with respect. A playful nickname is always endearing to a woman. The "hi beautiful" is used by every guy. Stay away from that one. Be creative, be different. My guy calls me Scarlett, you know as in O'Hara. So when I get a text that says "Good Night Scarlett" it still makes me smile and gives me the opportunity to play back by saying something like "Talk to you soon Rhett".
It makes it fun.
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Push her buttons. Once you know her buttons, push them to get a reaction. Do this until you sense her getting frustrated. If you want to meet her that night, don't just ask, push the buttons, build her up, make her think you aren't going to ask and then wham, hit her with it. This was done to me last week and let me tell you, my guy had me going for about an hour and when he finally sent the text that made me jump for joy, it read something like this. You, me, drinks 5:00 o'clock. Now that's a man that knows how to build attraction. Use texing to your advantage
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Stop waiting and start acting. Don't loose these great women to men who already have the secrets. You can start having dating success today and learn how to get this women addicted to you and dying to go out with you. If you would like to learn more about building attraction through texting and phone calls and how to double your dating success, please visit this site.
Learn how women think and how to build and attraction and become irresistible to women. Have them hanging on your every word and dying to see you again and again. Don't wait, start turning your dating life around and learn how to be a ladies man and have all the success with women you have dreamed of. Text Messaging tips and Double your dating are both guaranteed programs to help you accomplish this and so much more. Don't let another woman get away because you are unsure what to do. Learn how to flirt via text messages.
click here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages
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