Monday, June 13, 2011

My Girlfriend Wants a Break

If your girlfriend wants a break, I only know one way to put this too you and that is straight up. There is a break up ahead if you don't give it to her. If you are saying to your friends or searching this "My girlfriend wants a break", there is trouble ahead.

When your girlfriend wants a break or asks for space what she is saying is she is feeling smothered by you. You are possibly heading somewhere too fast or too soon. I hate to say this part too, but sometimes another guy has caught her attention and she wants the space to explore this but doesn't want to tell you. Cop out? Maybe.

Six months ago I told my boyfriend of 6 months I wanted space. Some of the things he was doing was constantly texting me, wanting to talk every night on the phone, which meant my life as I knew it before was being interrupted. I like my nights out with the girls. He didn't mind that so much, but he wanted to talk to me and would call or text while I was out. I drove me crazy. Thing is he was a great guy.

My love language was different. I need space, I need my other life outside of him and his clinging to me was making me feel quilt and I felt reponsible for his happiness. It became not so fun and it started to bleed over to when we were together.

I asked for space. I explained to him I wouldn't always answer texts or calls if I was working or out having a one on one with my girlfriends, but would call him back. I wanted him to trust me on this. We want to be trusted just like you guys do. By him continuing to push, I didn't feel trusted.

I broke up with him because he wasn't getting it. For the first month after the break up, he kept on pushing. He was coming from a place of his pain. He wanted answers. He didn't understand. The more he did this, the more he validated for me that breaking up with him was a good thing.

About month number 2 or 3, he started stopping contact after eventually I had to get pretty rough and threaten to block him or report him for harassment. I understood he was acting from a place of emotion and not logic, but it wasn't getting him anywhere, he was still smothering me and not respecting my wishes and decision.

Month 4 he stopped all contact. I sort of just forgot about him, but often thought of how much I knew he loved me. Still I pushed it out of my mind as I did not want to go down that road again of having to ask him for a break and fighting that battle again. I was convinced I made the right choice to end it.

Month 6, he shows up after no contact for over 60 days, none, nada zilch. When I saw him all I remembered was the good times to be honest and I was very happy to see him. Very unexpected on my part. His emotions had time to calm. He was more able to see it clearly from my point and I was more clearly to see it from his.

We are talking again. We made a stride towards one another. Had he not crowded me in the fist place and given me, his girlfriend a break, we would very possibly never broke up to start with.

Moral of this story, if your girlfriend asks for space or if you are saying to others my girlfriend wants a break, give it to her. Let her miss you because chances are good she will. Don't question her about it, just accept it and give it to her. You stand a much better chance of keeping her if you do. If you fight it, you will lose her.

So if your girlfriend wants a break, take the time to understand the whys of this, take the precautions to stop that break up that is ahead.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Love Systems Review

I research many of the dating products out there and recently landed on a forum called "The Attraction Forum". Wow, is all I can say. There are guys there of all ages giving excellent advice and support. The product in my opinion are very realistic and I wish all men would put forth the effort that these guys do to up their dating game.

This isn't like the Don Juan group that seems to promote downgrading women. These guys know their stuff and teach guys how to approach, meet, and keep women. The forum is free and packed with useful information.

The best seller is an e-book called Magic Bullets. It's the basics and well worth the investment especially to those nice guys who get caught in the friend zone.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Texting a Woman - What You Don't Know Will Hurt You

Texting a woman is right at your fingertips and it's the most powrful dating tool you have.. If you are like 95% of the men out there, you are probably screwing it up. When it comes to impacting their dating lives, most men are clueless.

I am going to be blunt about this texting thing you men do. I am a moderator on a women's forum. Hundreds and hundreds of women from all over the world have the same view when it comes to men and their texting techniques, they are clueless. When one gets it right, we rant and rave. It may be months down the road and we are still carrying those great text messages around in our phones. We save them.

Men, when texting women are just doing lame communications at most. They aren't engaging the woman or her playful nature. If you are sending anything close to the following text messages, you may wish to carry on reading.

* Good Morning
* Good Morning Sexy
* Good Night
* How is your day
* Hope you are having a good day
* How are you today
* What are you doing
* How is such and such
* Don't work to hard
* I am doing such and such
* I had a good time last night
* Thinking of you

There is nothing in the above messages to engage a woman and build up her attraction. It's usesless ramblings.. Unless a woman is totally smitten with a guy, these messages will just make her eyes roll.

What you don't know is this. While you are sending her those lame messages, there could very well be a guy who is rocking her world with the right words and techniques. It's the guy of mystery, the one that engages our imagination that push our buttons. Some guys can literally leave us hanging on their words.

It's the guy that teases us, banters with us that we find thrilling. It's a simple thing to do, just pay attention and play off of her. Suzanne is a care free, no nonsense southern woman. Her date from the preceding night added one word to his "I had a nice time last night" and made all the difference in the world. He opened the text with Scarlett, as in O'hara. What woman would not want to be seen that way.

She replied calling him Rhett, as in Butler. The flirty play began. That guy knew how to interact with her and push her buttons. She also knew he had paid attention to her. That is hot, to have a man really pay attention. Talk about stroking a woman's ego.

So when texting a woman, leave the small talk conversations out of it. If you can't flirt and be mischievous and make her smile, put down the cell phone, otherwise you are just throwing cold water on top of the fire. You like to condition her to where when she sees it is you texting, she gets excited, and her heart skips a beat. You want to be the guy who she saves his messages.

It's not just the words you use, it really is the strategies as well. Learn how to get her excited about you with flirty text messages.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Calling and Texting Women You Like - This is Critical

When texting or calling a girl you like it's critical that you don't go over board and kill her attraction. Your instinct when you meet a girl that you really like is to reach out and touch her. You want to communicate with her because face it, it feels good. If you want to build attraction though and an emotional connection when texting a girl you like, it's very important that you go easy boy.

An example. Cindy met Don. They really hit if off. Don got Cindy's number and asked her out. They had the first date and there was some mutual chemistry, lots of it. Next morning Don sends Cindy a harmless text. "Good Morning Beautiful". Cindy thinks aw, how sweet. 5 minutes later, he texts her what a great time he had. She still thinks aw, how sweet.

The day goes on, Don sends more texts, tries to engage her in conversation. Wow, Cindy is now wondering if Don isn't maybe a little needy, maybe even desperate. That night he texts her "Good night Sweetie". Her attraction just dropped a few degrees. Women do like to be challenged. When you come running out of the gate full speed ahead, well you took away any challenge or intrigue she might have felt.

She stills gives him the benefit of the doubt and sees him again, but to her horror, the texts just keep getting closer and closer together. The funny sexy guy has turned annoying on her. When texting a girl you like, you want to be flirty, you want to be fun and you don't want to be annoying.

I know you want her to know you are interested and you think those texts are showing her you like her. The fact is all they are showing her is you don't have a life and you are boring. She starts to not answer all of Don's texts, then he starts questioning her. "Are you upset?" "Do you not want to talk to me today?" Texts that show him in a very unattractive not so confident light.

Fast forward a couple of weeks. Cindy has the talk. She tells Don she just wants to be friends. She tells her girlfriends that if he would have just not texted her so much, maybe she would have given him a chance.

Had Don known some really good flirty techniques, this story might have a different ending. Unfortunately, Don is off to repeat the same mistake with the next girl he likes. Texting is a huge attraction killer, but it can be an equally destructive buzz killer. When texting a girl you like, less really is more.

I have swooned and been swooned by some really skilled texters. I have hung on their every text and I have also cringed at the sound of the phone.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Be The Jerk Women Love

Why do women love jerks?

This is a question you've probably asked yourself many times in your life. And you might even wonder why women will dump a guy who treats her good, only to go after an arrogant dick!

It seems like guys complain about this problem all the time. I have heard it many times. One of my best guy friends is always whining about how all girls want is to be his friend.
Usually he'll complain about treating a woman REALLY well, but losing her to some schmuck who'll only ends up mistreating her.

So why does this happen?

Well that's a difficult question to answer. The answer is jerks are NOT boring. And there's an interesting explanation of why this is true. But before we get to that, let's talk about the OPPOSITE of the jerk- "The Nice Guy".

In a lot of the chick flicks, "The Nice Guy" was the sweet, caring dude who secretly wanted to be with the Prom Queen. He's clueless with women, but has a heart of gold. And at the very end, the popular girl realizes how wonderful he is AND they live happily ever after.

Unfortunately life doesn't work this way!

In the REAL WORLD, a overly-friendly, nice guy bores the crap out of women. When dealing with a woman, he takes on the role of her friend and listens to her problems and hopes that someday she'll want to be with him instead of the jerk that just broke her heart.

The problem is nice guys reach women on a LOGICAL level, instead of an EMOTIONAL level. He may make a great FRIEND, but he's doing nothing to create sexual attraction.

Women end up with jerks because they provide an emotional charge. Sure he can act like an asshole and hurt her feelings, but he ALSO provides excitement AND arousal. Around a jerk, a woman never really knows what to expect. All she feels is the butterflies and excitement when he is near.

Now there's good news here...EVERY woman has dated a jerk at some point in her life. And from this experience, she's learned that it's not healthy to be around a man like this. However MOST women want that emotional charge WITHOUT the baggage that a jerk often provides. Not an easy task.

In short, she wants a man who is compassionate, but also a little bit of a bad boy.

By understanding a woman's desire for an emotional experience, you provide her with the perfect balance between 'The Nice Guy' and the jerk. When you're talking to women, you want to show ALL the qualities of the jerk (leadership, spontaneity, social dominance and humor) without being the wussy nice guy that typically repulses women.

In other words, you can use your conversation skills to playfully tease a woman, while keeping the comfort level she would find with "The Nice Guy".

This is called "Assumed Familiarity". Here you'll act like her buddy by teasing her in a friendly manner, but at the same time, you're subtly showing her attractive qualities that she wants in a man.

Now this can be a hard concept for many guys to grasp. It's pretty hard to strike that delicate balance between the jerk and nice guy. Most of it involves creating emotional attraction without being perceived as being a jerk.

Monday, January 3, 2011

How to Call a Girl You Like

Rule number one, less is more. Trust me, an attractive quality girl gets called and texted a lot. She has experienced lots of guys who go overboard and present no challenge at all. It's really easy for a hot girl to attract men. It's not so easy for an attractive, hot, quality girl to find a guy that piques her interest. Trust me on this. This is critical especially in the beginning stages. This is when the attraction starts or stops.

Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

When texting and calling girls, if you go overboard, she is going to see you as desperate. You want to convey you have a life and although you like her, she is not the center of your world. Women love a mystery. When calling girls or texting girls, the less you do it, the more her imagination goes into play and the more mysterious you will be. Mystery builds attraction. I don't mean go days or weeks without calling, that is just plain stupid. If you really like her though, your instinct leads you to call her more. Resist this. Call her less.

Ever noticed how it seems the less interesting not so high quality girls seem to fall all over you at times. Think about it. How are you texting them? Probably not so enthusiastically. This intrigues them and they want you more. So when calling a girl that you like or that is hot or high quality do it as if she was just another ordinary girl you aren't so into.

Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

Rule number 2, don't call or text her and have nothing to say. You want to make her smile. You want her to associate your calls and texts with positive feelings. You want to create an anchor to these positive feelings. The anchor is going to be the phone ringing and her seeing your name pop up. Don't bore her, be funny and confident. If you don't have a lot to say, well get off the phone or stop texting. End the conversation, have your escape route already in place before you call. This also puts mystery into it when you end the conversation first. Leave her wanting more.

Now confidence is a big thing when calling a girl. If you are calling all the time again, this is not good. It shows her you aren't confident enough in yourself and that you need her constant validation. That is why less is more. If you call every other day for example, well apparently you are confident in yourself, otherwise you would be ringing her phone off the hook. Sometimes it's more in what you don't say or do that speaks the volumes.

When calling a girl or texting a girl, remember, she is just a girl. If she is a high quality girl or hot girl, well she is still just a girl. This is the attitude to have. Remember that women do like a challenge, so don't be too easy. The key is to get her thinking about you. You want to master the calling and texting girls to get her to think about you when you aren't around. Once a girl starts thinking about you, well she is hooked.

Your cell phone is without a doubt your best dating tool. You can use it to build some intense attraction or you can pour cold water all over her. Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Get Her Sexually Attracted To You

How To Get Her To Feel Sexually Attracted To You

By Alex Allman, author of Revolutionary Sex

I want to share with you 2 things that I
believe any man can do... that will make you much
more sexually attractive to women.

If you are single this can get you more dates...
If you are married, just try to imagine how much
better your relationship could become if you knew
how to trigger your wife's sexual attraction for

In other words... this is important stuff, so
read on...

Let me start by asking you a question...

What do WOMEN think is "sexy" anyway?

Tattoos? Clean-cut guys in well tailored
suits? Danger? Money? Muscles? A feeling of
security? Musicians and poets? Power? Pretty
boys? Tough guys? Bad boys? Brains? A great
sense of humor?

Sure. Of course. There are women that
find each of these things sexy.

Some women like tattooed, rocker types.
Some get turned on by clean-cut, Wall Street types,
some like 'em pretty and some like 'em tough, etc.

But is there something that ALL women think
is sexy? Is there something that really pushes the
hot-button on every girl you'll ever meet?

There is.

In fact, there are two things.

And these two things are so powerful in the
way that they affect women, that if you strongly
exhibit these two qualities, it can overcome just
about anything else.

In other words, if you have these qualities,
you will be sexually attractive to a woman that
usually goes for tattooed guys even if you're a
Wall Street guy, or vice-versa.

And the really great news is, they are qualities
that any man can acquire if he's willing to LEARN
and to work at it a bit.

And, yes, I'm going to tell you what they

What you do with this information after that,
is up to you...

Women are generally creatures of emotion,
and men generally are about facts and results.

Of course this isn't always true, but
pretty close.

And it's especially true when it comes to
sexual relationships. Men want facts and results
(like: what's your phone number and when are we gonna
get it on?).

But women are much more emotionally driven.
(like: we'll get it on when it FEELS right to me.)

I challenge you to find a woman that
disagrees with that statement.

Emotions and feelings are what really
motivate most women, and your ability to make
her FEEL things, your "emotional power" over her,
is key to her feelings of sexual attraction.

PASSION is the language of emotional power.
And for a woman, it is the best indicator of a
man's ability to FEEL things strongly...

And make HER feel things strongly...

And THAT drives women crazy.

Passion is the first of the two things that all
women find sexually attractive.

Does it matter what you have a passion for?

Well, for starters, you can't go wrong with
SEXUAL passion.

But she's not going to be able to read that
in you immediately unless you go around with a t-
shirt that says, "Hey Girls: Passionate Lover Right

(I don't recommend it, by the way, but hey,
it COULD work).

But seriously, passion about anything is a
turn on for women.

I admit, and I guess it's obvious if you
live on this planet, that artistic passion... like
passion for playing the guitar or writing powerful
poetry is more attractive than passion for theoretical

But I PROMISE you, even passion for
theoretical mathematics is seriously sexy to any
woman who encounters it.

The problem is, the mathematician usually
doesn't believe that others share his passion and
so he, like most men, walks around suppressing or
hiding his passion and his emotional power.

For women, these timid men that walk around
all covered up and too weak to show their emotional
power are all the same.

They are guys that are too shy or too afraid
to express their passions for the guitar or poetry
or mathematics. And so she can be pretty darn sure
that they are too timid to show their passion in bed.

In other words...

They are just like the last guy that failed
to impress her in bed.

I suppose that there are some passions that
don't impress women-- like, say, passion for
watching Monday Night Football with a can of beer
in your hand...

But that is only because it is a passion that
is so common that women don't discern it as a
measure of emotional power-- just a "guy thing."

But if the same guy that went completely crazy
with enthusiasm during the football game could
bring that same kind of passion to other things in
his life-- almost any woman would find herself drawn
to him... maybe even fantasizing about him.

If you are married and your wife sees your
passion for football, but feels excluded from it,
then the problem is your inability to SHARE your
passions with her.

I dare you to find a new passion (or re-find an
old one) that kindles your excitement, and then
share that excitement, without filtering it, really
getting excited about it WITH your woman. Watch
the result it has on her... watch how she gets
swept up by it and gets pulled into you masculine

Sure, she may gently tease you in the moment for
getting all excited about something she thinks is
silly... but...

Watch what happens later that evening when you
get into bed.

But getting back to my example about the

A girl asks him, "what are you doing?" and he
mumbled under his breath, "It's just math... you
wouldn't be interested..."

What would it take for the mathematician to
really show his passion, to really blow a woman's
mind with his emotional intensity on the subject?

First of all it takes some guts. Because he is
used to hiding his passion, like most of us are.

What does it take to REALLY be yourself and
not care what other people think? What does it take
to be so comfortable in your own skin that what other
people think doesn't matter to you?

Massive confidence.

And, as it turns out, THAT is the second
quality that all women find sexy:


A woman can never completely let go and
trust a man that does not display confidence.

It helps if you know what you are doing...
But more important is to have the attitude and the
rock-solid BELIEF that you know.

In the presence of a man like that, most
women feel huge amounts of sexual attraction.

Often they can't even tell you why. They
just say, "there's something about him."

And to really rock a woman's world in the
bedroom, the best place to start is to be confident
about your sexual ability and your sexual identity.

This sexual confidence and PASSION during love-
making is the single biggest turn-on for most women.

It is what allows her to surrender herself to
experience pleasure that she probably has never even
dreamt of.

Since the ability for a man to SHOW his passion
comes down to having confidence, I guess you could say
that confidence is the more important quality in being
sexually attractive to your woman.

And that makes sense.

Because while most women wouldn't explain it quite
as carefully as I have done in this article,
again, I challenge you:

Ask any woman you know if she agrees with this
statement-- that "confidence" is the single biggest
thing that all women find sexually attractive.

I think you'll see very quickly that I'm on to
something very big and very true, and that you
need to learn more about it--

So, here's the big question...

I said that ANY guy could learn to do these
things that women find so sexually attractive.

So HOW DO YOU become the kind of sexually
confident guy that women fantasize about?

In my experience, it's a bit more complicated
than just deciding "I will be sexually confident
from now on."

But I want you to know that it's not so much
more complicated that it can't be learned.

In fact, I believe ANY man can display massive
sexual confidence... the kind of sexual confidence
that has his woman crawling all over him all the
time... just by learning a few simple things.

The keys are both External... learning the
actual skills, techniques, and "competence" in the
bedroom that breeds confidence...

And Internal... learning to silence the voices
of doubt and judgment (that women can sense),
that can destroy that passionate sexual confidence
before you ever have a chance.

On the one hand there is nothing "hard" about
this process...

On the other hand, it's not likely you can go
it on your own or that you'll figure it out "by
accident". And because the woman in your life
has gotten used to you not having this confidence
and passion, and she will resist you trying to
change... it will freak her out a bit.

You need the tools to handle all of these
factors and really grow into your new identity
comfortably and happily.

I believe it will profoundly change your life
and your relationship. And both you and your woman
will be so much happier and more fulfilled when
you have done it.

Plus, she will be so sexually satisfied that very
little else will matter!

A great way to get started is to download
your copy of my online eBook and start reading it
on your computer right now.

It is is filled with incredible techniques
and tips to take your sexual relationship to
levels that you can't believe until you experience

You can find the book and my FREE, sex tips
newsletter right here:

Learn To Be Sexual Confident